Discover the World Through Real Experiences
Explore authentic adventures and unfiltered moments from all around the world.
A new social media for travelers
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What we do
voia is a social media platform for travelers. We are building a community of travelers who share their experiences and inspire each other to explore the world. On voia you can plan your next adventure with insights from those who've been there.
Our Features
Real Adventures, Trending Spots, New Experiences
Embrace the thrill of discovery – a world where every moment invites you to explore, connect, and craft your unique travel story.
Uncover the unfiltered side of travel. Get inspired by real trips that go beyond the typical tourist trails and top 10 lists
Hot Topics
Whether it‘s emerging hotspots or timeless wonders, find out what‘s capturing the attention of travelers and tourists today.
Is there a sudden pop-up festival? Or a newly discovered hiking path? voia keeps you in the loop.
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Be an exclusive early adopter for the beta test of the voia app, where bugs are trophies and your feedback shapes the future. Sign up, get ready, and let‘s cook together ;)
Contact us
Feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions or feedback. We appreciate your support!
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Language: English
Based in Zürich, Switzerland